The Loaded Grape is a wine and beer store in Greensboro, NC. They gave me the go-ahead to redo an 8′ x 40″ section of their store. I had the whole 8′ x 42″ wall to play with, and had carte blanche to work my artistic wonders.
So I took a bare wall with a few single wine shelves and transformed it into an industrial wood and pipe piece of art.
Not only do they get a better way to display their wines and Wine Club selections, they get a new focal point for the store.
The wood used for the backdrop was taken from a 20+ year old fence and repurposed into something useful again. Some of the wood was bowed more than 2 inches from end to center, but I cut those boards in half and straightened them with a table saw instead of throwing them out.
Check out the captions in the gallery below for more descriptions.